born. 1987, Miskolc, Hungary.
based in Oklahoma, USA.
2006-2011 Master of Media Arts.
- Intermedia Department, The Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Budapest, Hungary
2010-2011 Erasmus Scholarship.
- Department of Fine Arts, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Valencia, Spain
- New York University, Tandem School
2021. Vitrin Photo exhibition, Kopia Kollektiva Association, Romania
2021. Bartlesville Art Association 2021 Annual Art Show
2021. 'BAA Art Show' - Lyon Gallery, Bartlesville, OK, USA
2018. 'Ways of seeing: Imagination' - Round George, Brighton, UK
2018. 'Ways of seeing: Emotions' - Mange Tout, Brighton, UK
2017. 'New England House Open Studios' - Brighton, UK
2017. 'Art in the Garden' - Hove, UK
2017. 'Ways of seeing: Biology' - M.A.D.E Gallery, Brighton, UK
2016. 'Selected Artworks' - Dubai Garden Center, Dubai, UAE *
2015. 'Unintended Consequences' - Artpool P60, Budapest, HU
2015. 'On the road - Master and disciple' - Petró-House Gallery, Miskolc, HU
2012. 'Winter Exhibition' - Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc, HU
2011. 'HUSZTI ZOLTÁN and his coevals' - The Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, HU
2011. 'Busho Film Festival, lifeAd' - Cinema Vörösmarty, Budapest, HU
2011. SHE – the movie - Fine Arts Department, Valencia, ES
2010. 'NOT ONLY BODY' - Gallery Magatzems, Valencia, ES *
2010. 'Jitánjafonos' sound art performance - UPV, Valencia, ES
2010. VIDEO-NOT VIDEO - Millenáris Gallery, Budapest, HU
2010. PUBLICLY YOURS 2.1 - Trafó Gallery, Budapest, HU
2010. DRAWING BOOKS - , Viltin Gallery, Budapest HU
2010. 'Not exhibition not opening' - Heroes Square, Budapest, HU
2010. 'Hommage á Keith Haring' - Sziget Festival, Budapest, HU
2010. '0 KM' - Intermedia Department, Brno, CZ
2009. 'Moment pictures' - Gallery N&N, Budapest, HU
2008 - 'Fluxus East - Fluxus networks in Central and Eastern Europe' - Ludwig Museum, Budapest, HU
2008. 'Food Project, Hommage á Gordon-Matta Clark' - Labor Gallery, Budapest, HU
2004. 'Flash photography' - Chapel Gallery, Eger, HU
2011. 'PIXEL contest - Kunsthalle, Budapest, HU
2011. 'INVENTOR ART competition' - Da Vinci Institute, Louisville, USA
2011. 'Fay Andras art competition' - Buda Castle, Budapest, HU
2010. 'YOUNG CREATIVE CHEVROLET'- Design Terminal, Budapest, HU
2005. 'Beszterczey Artists' Books competition' - Miskolc, HU
1998. 'Golden Brush drawing competition' - Miskolc, HU